Call for Proposals:
The Old Schoolhouse Art Gallery is seeking exhibition proposals for the 2025 exhibition season
A Show should contain the following elements:
One of a kind pieces
Originality: A distinct expression of the artist’s work
A unique series of pieces; and a sufficient number to hold the Gallery
Presented in an environment that enhances its art qualities Mounted in the Gallery in a way that enhances the show's qualities
Provide, by email (schoolhouseartgallery@gmail.com), the following information:
Title of the show
Premise of the show; its theme or guiding concept
Description of the work
A rough draft of your exhibition on the floor plan provided at the bottom of this page
A minimum of 5 examples of your work that are specifically related to the proposed show as jpg or pdf files. (If the Gallery is unfamiliar with your work, more examples may be requested) If work is planned, but not completed, please provide working sketches diagrams and/or mock ups as jpg or pdf files.
Special requirements, if any
The solo artist automatically becomes the Coordinator of the show
Please note that a group show differs from a solo exhibition in more ways than the number of artists whose works are being presented. A compelling group show is guided by a single concept, with the resulting exhibition becoming an installation that focuses each artist’s contribution to the theme. A group show benefits from collaboration among the artists to develop the theme such that the entire exhibition is larger, more coherent and more provocative than any individual artist’s body of work.
Provide, by email (schoolhouseartgallery@gmail.com), the following information:
Title of the show
Premise of the show; its single theme or guiding concept
A list of confirmed artists and the name of the Coordinator for the show
Description of how each artist’s work is contributing to the show’s premise
Two examples of work from each artist that is specifically related to the group show theme as jpg or pdf files.
If work is planned but not completed please provide working sketches, diagrams and/or mock ups as jpg or pdf files.
Special requirements, if any
Selection priority:
Active contributing Art Gallery members
On island artists; then descendants
Then Off islanders
Other Criteria:
A variety of media is encouraged so the season attracts new audiences.
The whole season is viewed as a continuity
Minimum of one Members show per season
No show is assumed to be annual
Artists may not have a solo show more than every two years
Each show must have sufficient work to hold the gallery
Selection Committee may from time to time invite an artist to submit a proposal
Each show must meet with the Selection Committee’s standard of artistic merit.
The 2025 Season will run from May to September, accommodatiing five to six shows.
The season consists of a mix of Solo shows, Group shows in which two or more members participate, and Member shows in which all Gallery members can participate.
Each show will run for the duration of three weekends, from Friday to Sunday. The hours are: Friday night 6 to 9 pm; Saturday and Sunday 2 to 6 pm.
The first Friday is the Opening Night. The Artist/Coordinator of the show is responsible for the set up and take down of the show, for hosting the gallery during opening hours and arranging for or providing finger food for the First Friday Opening Night.
The second Friday night will be an Artist Talk. The artist will have the opportunity to work with the gallery Board to develop an event where the artist can meet the audience and the audience can, in turn, learn about the artist’s process.
The third Friday night might be an event related to the show that will be planned and hosted by the Gallery -- for example, a movie or panel discussion -- in coordination with the Artist.
The purpose of these events is to promote the current show, bring more viewers to the Gallery and establish with the community that every Friday night will be “Gallery Night”.
The gallery does not carry insurance to cover damages to or loss of art work. If required, the artist would arrange their own coverage.
The gallery commission for works sold is 25%.
The Selection Committee sets the season calendar by reviewing proposals submitted by artists, keeping in mind the selection guidelines.
The Gallery reserves the right to refuse to exhibit certain work.
Gallery Floorplan:
The deadline for receiving proposals is midnight Friday, March 14, 2025. The proposals must be emailed to schoolhouseartgallery@gmail.com.
Please email if you have any questions...schoolhouseartgallery@gmail.com
We look forward to receiving your proposals and to another great season at the Gallery.